What is the LOB?

The National Consultation Body for Public Administration Associations (LOB) is an umbrella organization that facilitates consultation and communication between all public administration study associations in the Netherlands. The LOB acts as the overarching body above the associations and represents twelve study associations. Every six weeks, the LOB organizes a General Assembly (GA) to enhance knowledge sharing, contact, and cooperation between the study associations. In addition to the GAs, the LOB organizes two national events for its members: the LOB BBQ and the LOB Weekend. These events are organized to strengthen contact between the boards. Besides activities with its member associations, the LOB is involved in organizing public meetings for (future) public administrators. Each year, the National Public Administration Congress (LCB) is organized on behalf of the LOB, and the LOB participates in meetings of the Public Administration Association as a board member.

Because the LOB is a national organization, as a board member, you must be willing to travel for meetings, social events, conferences, and other activities. A board year at the LOB is voluntary, and the time commitment varies depending on the role and the time of year. A board term at the LOB lasts one year, running from January to January. Below are the specifications and requirements for each position.

General information

General information regarding the functions

You spend an average of 5 to 8 hours per week on the LOB, depending on the time of year, excluding weeks when you organize events. A board year at the LOB is also very manageable alongside a full-time study and social life! As a board, you are, of course, a team, so you can count on the support of your fellow board members if you have a particularly busy period.


Mail vóór 24 november je CV en een korte motivatiebrief  naar secretaris@bestuurskundeoverleg.nl.  Je sollicitatie kan functie-specifiek zijn, maar dat hoeft niet. De sollicitatiegesprekken vinden plaats in week 48 (25-11 tot 1-12). Enkele dagen later zul je te horen krijgen of je kandidaat-bestuurslid bent geworden! Je zal vervolgens op 13 december worden voorgedragen als kandidaat-bestuurlid aan onze Algemene Ledenvergadering in Den Haag.

The board transition GA will take place on January 24. Make sure you are available on December 13 from 2:00 PM and on January 24 from 2:00 PM. 


As chair, you are ultimately responsible for the operations of the LOB. You preside over 6-weekly GA's with the member associations and your own board meetings. Additionally, as chair, you are a student board member of the Association for Public Administration, where you represent all public administration students in the Netherlands. You are also part of the selection committee that assembles the board for the National Congress on Public Administration. As chair, you are responsible for promoting collaboration within the board, ensuring that matters are on the agenda in a timely manner, and monitoring progress. Do you have a strong sense of responsibility and can you speak socially and professionally? Then the chair role within the LOB is for you!

A chair

  1. Has experience with roles within study associations (board experience is a plus).
  2. Is a member of an member association the LOB or a member of a candidate association of the LOB.
  3. Leads (large) meetings effortlessly and is skilled in communication.
  4. Leads with a focus on both the present and the future.
  5. Can maintain a good balance between professionalism and approachability.
  6. Has the motivation and vision to take the LOB to an even higher level!

If you have questions about the chairperson position, feel free to send an email addressed to Marc Visser at voorzitter@bestuurskundeoverleg.nl.


As secretary, you are responsible for member communications and serve as the primary point of contact within the LOB. As the central contact person for the LOB, you manage email and chat messages from member associations. During meetings, you handle sending out documents and taking the minutes. Additionally, you are responsible for planning dinners, drinks, and the annual LOB weekend! Do you enjoy administrative work and are you organized and proactive? Then this is the role for you!

A secretary

  1. Has experience with roles within study associations (board experience is a plus).
  2. Is a member of an member association the LOB or a member of a candidate association of the LOB.
  3. Is organized, has strong communication skills, and has experience with administrative tasks.
  4. Enjoys organizing dinners, social gatherings, and weekends for members.
  5. Is motivated to invest time in the LOB as a growing organization!

For questions about the secretary position, you can send an email addressed to Guusje Koster at secretaris@bestuurskundeoverleg.nl.


The treasurer of the LOB is responsible for the financial matters of the association. At the beginning of the year, you prepare a budget. During the board year, as treasurer, you are responsible for the association's expenditures and managing the finances within the LOB. At the end of the board year, the treasurer presents the financial matters through a financial final report. Finally, the treasurer has a supportive role, assisting member associations with subsidy applications and financial issues. The work of the treasurer is audited by the audit committee.

A treasurer

  1. Has experience with roles within study associations (board experience is a plus).
  2. Is a member of an member association the LOB or a member of a candidate association of the LOB.
  3. Is skilled at maintaining financial records and carefully keeps all receipts.
  4. Has knowledge of association finances or is willing to learn about it.

If you are interested in this position but want to know more first, please send an email addressed to Oscar van der Linden at penningmeester@bestuurskundeoverleg.nl

Public Relations Commissioner

As the Public Relations board member, you are responsible for maintaining and strengthening the contact between the LOB and member associations. The Public Relations board member is also tasked with reaching out to strategic partners and study associations that are not yet involved with the LOB. Finally, you are responsible for the visibility of the LOB, which includes all communication through social media, the website, and the channels of partners and member associations.

A commissioner for Public Relations

  1. Has experience with roles within study associations (board experience is a plus).
  2. Is a member of an member association the LOB or a member of a candidate association of the LOB.
  3. Is a strong communicator, represents the LOB well, and can effectively maintain a network.
  4. Communicates activities both internally (to the members) and externally (to the partners).
  5. Aims to make the activities of the LOB even better and promote them effectively!

For questions about this position, you can contact Abel ter Steege. Email him at publicrelations@bestuurskundeoverleg.nl
